Oversize loads cannot be shipped by regular methods. They need a special, oversize shipment service. Clients that are sending goods that are heavier than suggested need to find proper solutions in order to ship the cargo.

Loading Logistics is a freight broker company that will find suitable carriers that will ship your oversize goods. You need to let us know what kind of freight you are shipping, and all the other relevant details that will help us find adequate companies to ship your cargo. You must tell us the country you are sending your items to so we can check their limits and arrange your goods accordingly.

Ship Oversize Loads Internationally

Loading Logistics works with national and international companies. We built strong partnerships across the world so we will find the best solutions for you whether you are shipping cargo to a different part of North America or overseas.

Say goodbye to:

  • Damaged goods
  • High costs
  • Hidden issues
  • Miscommunications
  • Uncertainty
  • Unprofessionalism
  • Slow delivery

Big packages are safe if we take care of them! Consult our service center and we will find the best shipping company to transport your goods in big packages.

How Our Company Works

We do not provide trucking services but we are your best connection to reliable trucking companies. Not only our team will find a suitable carrier for your goods, but we will also monitor the whole process and ensure it runs smoothly.